POLITECNICA ITALIA Srl realizza: macchine per la deformazione dei tubi a quattro morsetti convergenti verso il centro. Questa serie di macchine denominate AFONAT č la pių prestigiosa sul mercato Italiano. Le nostre macchine sono utilizzate prevalentemente nel settore della produzione del tubo trafilato.
Company Profile

The company Politecnica Italiana was officially established in 1970 by the Italian businessman, Fernando Fassi, who already had experience in manufacturing complete-cycle extrusion presses.

Politecnica Italiana began making machines for the deformation of tubes with six clamps converging towards the centre; to this series of machines called “ Aptor ”, a series of four-clamp units (the Afonat series), was soon added, which was to reap success in the following years.

In the 1990s, production of the “Aptor” series stopped, while Politecnica Italiana began directing all its technological commitment towards the manufacture of the Afonat series, with the appearance in 1992 of the Afonat 804, the most powerful machine ever made. In the late-90s, cooperation began with the company ZAMA snc, first of all as a manufacturer of mechanical parts and, later on, as a partner in the assembly and design of new systems.

In 2004, following the death of the founder of Politecnica Italiana, Mr. Fernando Fassi, the company was acquired by Mr. Zappalà (former partner of ZAMA snc) and renamed Politecnica Italiana srl; headquarters were transferred to Arcore in a new and more modern industrial complex. In that same year, the new Afonat 1004 was designed and made for the company Trafilerie Ceruti, while the re-design began of the entire Afonat line, from the 200t to the 1000t.